
The Parents and Friends Association meets once a month at the school with the meetings usually commencing at 5:30pm. All parents are encouraged to take an active part in this aspect of the school’s life.
The role of the Parents and Friends Association (P&F) is to support the school community partnerships by convening gather to enrich the culture of our school. They will also assist in fundraising for projects and to enhance the spirit of the parent body. An Annual General Meeting is held in February to elect Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members. The roles include: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. From time to time, committees are formed with specific tasks in mind.
For new families joining our school community, a ‘welcome event’ is hosted by the P&F Association early in the school year. A copy of the P&F Constitution is available at the Office.
The Committee
Stephanie Couper
Vice President
Rowdy Travis
Lotte Anning
Leith Couper