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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Student Health
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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart has legal, moral and social obligations to care for the safety and well being of your child while he/she is in our care. Legally, all staff members are required to act with common sense and a responsible approach which endeavours to protect your child’s safety. Our staff members take this very seriously and we ask that parents and visitors to the school follow procedures to help staff ensure the safety of the children.



We have an evacuation and lock down procedure in place which is revised and implemented at the beginning of each school year. Full school evacuation and lock down drills occur regularly so that students and staff are always well prepared in case of an emergency.



Each staff member and others at the school are responsible for ensuring his/her health and safety by:

  • complying with health and safety instructions,

  • taking action to avoid, eliminate or minimise hazards,

  • making proper use of personal protective equipment,

  • not wilfully placing at risk the health and safety of own self and others,

  • seeking information and advice when necessary,

  • being familiar with hazard/accident/ reporting and emergency evacuation procedures.



Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School is a smoke-free environment and as such, smoking is not permitted on any part of the School grounds at any time.

Student Health

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart also implements the following Student Health policies in order to ensure the health and safety of all students;



In the case of an injury to a student, the Queensland Ambulance Service may be called if it is deemed an emergency or if a parent cannot be contacted to seek their prior approval.



Free dental services are available through the School Dental Services conducted by the Queensland Department of Health. Prior to their arrival in Springsure information about the service will be sent home in the weekly newsletter.



In the case of accidents resulting in serious injuries, parents will be notified immediately. Should the parent be unavailable, the child will be taken to the Springsure Hospital by Ambulance. It is vitally important that parents keep their children’s personal records up to date in case of an emergency.



The school complies with Queensland Department of Health regulations in this regard. Click here to view the Recommended Exclusion Periods, produced by the Queensland Department of Health.


Some procedures for parents include the following:

  • Chickenpox - Exclude the infected child  for at least five days and until all blisters have dried. Any contacts with an immune deficiency (eg. Leukaemia) should be excluded for their own protection. Otherwise contacts do not need to be excluded.

  • Conjunctivitis - Exclude child until discharge from eyes has ceased. Contacts do not need to be excluded.

  • Diarrhoea - Exclude until diarrhoea has ceased for 24 hours. Contacts do not need to be excluded.

  • Herpes (cold sores) - Young children unable to comply with good hygiene practices should be excluded while sores are weeping. (Sores covered with a dressing where possible). Contacts do not need to be excluded.

  • Impetigo (school sores) - Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces must be covered with a watertight dressing. Contacts do not need to be excluded.

  • Measles/German Measles (Rubella) - Exclude until fully recovered or for at least four days after the onset of rash. Contacts do not need to be excluded. Immunised contacts do not need to be excluded. If unimmunised contacts are vaccinated within 72 hours of their first contact with the first case they may return to school.

  • Headlice - Exclude until day after approved treatment has commenced.



At the commencement of the year, parents will receive "Administering of Medication" forms. These forms are to be completed and sent to school whenever staff members are required to administer medication to a child. Only prescribed medication can be administered by a staff member. This means there must be a chemist label on the medication with information of the dosage required and the doctor who prescribed the medicine. In addition, parents of students who have medication administered on a regular basis, must inform the school and complete the appropriate medication forms should any changes be made.

Behaviour Management

As a community, we pride ourselves on the high standard of discipline that exists within our school. Children are expected to behave respectfully towards all staff members, parents, classmates and any visitors to our school. Emphasis is placed on the individual to practice self-discipline through ownership of their words and actions. OLSH has a comprehensive ‘Behaviour Management Plan’ which is readily available at the office.


The aim of the Behaviour Management Plan at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School is to ensure a safe and secure learning environment where all children have access to a range of learning opportunities. Through the implementation of the plan children will progressively learn to develop self-discipline by:

  • responding honestly in all situations;

  • showing respect for self and others; and

  • caring for others and themselves. 


For more information please refer to the Student Behaviour Management Booklet which is readily available at the office. 

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